Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chocolate Soap

So here it hot process chocolate soap. It smells great, not sure how long that will last though.
On another soap related note, I just boxed up about 40 bars for an orphanage in Ethiopia!

Friday, October 29, 2010

On deck

So, I have had a lot going on and have not had much time to soap, it has been horrible! Last weekend I got back into it and made some soap using a new process. It is called "hot process" and basically you cook the soap in a crock pot until it has "soapified" and you can use it right away. Cold process is what I learned to soap with and it requires about 4 weeks of curing time for the soapification to complete and make the soap usable. Anyway, HP (hot process) results in a slightly softer bar which is a little more chunky looking. It is hard to describe and you just have to see it. I will be making some soap for Nicky's birthday favors and did not have time to wait for the cold process to cure. I really like it, all natural soap in a fraction of the time!

On deck this weekend: HP chocolate cocoa butter (can't wait for this one!) and CP shea butter.

Lots of people have asked if I sell my soap. Not yet, I would really love to, but am still developing my formula. I want it to be perfect before anyone pays for it! If you are interested in testing for me, please send me an email ( and I can add you to the list. The only requirement is that you provide helpful feedback. :)